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Case Studies

Case studies

Dental Phobia


The client contacted me with 4 weeks to some significant dental work being required. The client attended the dentist, but experienced high anxiety on the run up to the appointment and during it. While dental work had not been comfortable in the past, with some moments of pain, the relationship with the dentist also played a factor.


Having explored the clients past experiences, the phobia did not seem rooted in significant trauma and I therefore treated it as a phobia (not as trauma release). We started off with some gentle work, using EFT and modality changes to alter the feelings around the dentist and the work that was needed. Following that we worked on the phobia and had great success in removing it. This was achieved in 3 sessions of work.


Fiona helped me overcome my deep seated fear of dentistry and I am now happy to able to get dental treatment on my terms without feeling sick and worried beforehand.