
Testimonials from Clients about their experience with Lilac Pearl

I am doing well and am at peace with the decision that I made. Thank you
— Mrs P-S

I recently had sessions with Fiona, and I can’t recommend her enough. Her compassionate approach and tailored guidance made a significant impact on my life. From the first session, I felt heard and understood. With her support, I gained valuable insights and practical tools to navigate the challenges I was experiencing. If you’re seeking a therapist who truly cares and can help you grow, Fiona is the one I would recommend.
— Mr C

Thank you for everything you do for me. I couldn’t and wouldn’t be where I am without you
— Mrs H

Very easy to connect with and very good at what you do.
— Mrs O

Fiona helped me overcome my deep seated fear of dentistry and I am now happy to be able to get dental treatment on my terms without feeling sick and worried beforehand.
— Mr S

Excellent and friendly sessions. Making changes to my life with Reiki and useful information
— Mr M

I hope you are well. I wanted to say again how grateful I am for your help. My pregnancy, birth and newborn stage was made much, much easier thanks to the groundwork we did together
— Mrs S

Thank you for support and guidance. You are an angel, a star, a gold tier person and I appreciate you no end. You set a fantastic example to me. I am so grateful for everything you do and who you are. I hope you know the scale of the impact you have had on me, my life and my happiness - you are a STAR!
— Ms E

The Mindscaping session helped me to gain clarity and also gave me hope that the future can be brighter and that depends only on me. With Fiona’s help I discovered that I have already everything that I need to achieve my dreams.
— Ms K

Having tried other therapy routes without success, my wife’s hairdresser recommended she contact Fiona. After suffering from anxiety for some time, my wife was pleased that Fiona was happy to come to our house and spent time putting her at ease. They tried several techniques and were able to identify a numbers of things which have really worked.

Since those early sessions, my wife has made incredible progress, visiting Fiona in Ipswich, and then achieving things which I didn’t think would be possible, such as an overseas holiday and visiting our children who live far away on her own.

Thanks Fiona - you have made a real difference to our lives.
— Mr F

Fiona helped me explore my attitudes to eating and dieting - I’ve always struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. I knew enough to know I needed a change in how I thought about food but couldn’t do it on my own. Fiona was amazing, easy to talk to and after just one session I know I think and act differently - with positive ongoing results. Thank you Fiona!
— Mrs N

Had a wonderful session, Fiona knew as soon as I walk into the room that things were not right and totally changed our session to treat where I was at the time. The session gave me exactly what I need. I came away from it rejuvenated
— Mr M

It’s only been a couple of days but I have noticed that when I think of what I’m going to eat I work out what’s the most healthy option. ..... I walked down the sweet & chocolate aisle completely disinterested.
I don’t feel the need to eat everything in sight when I’m on my own. Can’t see it changing either as I’m not having make the effort to stay on track.

Thank YOU for helping me out
— Mrs N

before it would freak me out. Now I’m not scared or upset ...... nothing
— Anon

A huge thank you for being a wonderfully safe pair of hands to fall into and explore the dark shadows
— Mrs S

Excellent service, warm and friendly with great understanding of my needs
— Mr M

You taught me healthy coping techniques.
Thank you
— Ms H-S

Fiona is fantastic. She helped me get past my really tough time and resolve my anxiety. A true miracle worker.
— Ms G

You don’t realise the effect of therapy until something test you
— Miss H

It (back discomfort) much better. Thank you. I smashed spin class
— Mr S

With Fiona’s support and advice our son regained his confidence and was able to overcome his anxiety and toilet issues. It is amazing to have our boy happy again in his own skin.
— Mrs C

Working with Fiona has been ground-breaking for me. It hasn’t been easy addressing past issues but she has guided me and been incredibly supportive.
I feel liberated from past fears which have been holding me back - I’m so grateful.
— Ms C

Things have been fantastic! I’ve been feeling great, and I’m starting to notice that I’m allowing myself to be happier. I thank you for the changes
— Mr S

Thank you for all you have done for me this year. I feel like a totally different person to the one you (first) met
— Mrs S

I experienced a wonderful hypnosis session with Fiona. Fiona was very caring, thoughtful and I used the session to bring my big project alive and create a powerful vision for it.

I highly recommend Fiona because she cares and is brilliant at what she does.
— Ms J

Feeling much better thanks Fiona. Focusing my thoughts more on the good things most of the time and accepting my negative feelings, but only for a limited time! Thank you
— Mrs H

A quick review to say thank you for helping clear my “foggy” head! Xx

I’ve had 3 Indian Head treatments now and I’m blown away by it’s brilliance . I had a head full of stress & anxiety and Fiona helped rid all my woes. A BIG thank you for all you’ve done.
— Ms B

Before I left I re-read my paper from that really hard bit of work we did. I took it on board and it is making such a difference. I guess I am letting her have her control but in turn her attitude towards me is much better and we are gaining from it. She has lent us her new car to take the kids away and we are having a great time with them. No rules for the trip from S and very much letting us be the grandparents who are free to spoil them a little. Could be our best trip yet. Thank you
— Mrs H

Really appreciate your help and I admire your patience and ability - you are the right person to help
— Mr F

Our children are very lucky to have you
— Mr F

Thanks for my Indian Head Massage on Friday, I am still chilled out now and slept like a baby

I just wanted to say a big thank you for the session last week, it’s the first time this year I’ve managed to go an entire week without any painkillers. I’m really happy

“Things have been progressing nicely………………… Once more many thanks for your help, I’m still in awe of how it worked and accept it gratefully!”

My experience with Fiona with Past Life Regression was fascinating – I very quickly became incredibly relaxed, aware of all my surroundings but also aware of “being elsewhere”. I had the experience of viewing past times, places and occupations and was able to discern issues that relate to this life and how evolution progress has been made-but with more to do on the issues raised. I felt as ease and comfortable at all times and am interested to see if further insights are revealed.

“Just wanted to say thank you and give you an update on how the bed wetting went with N. Prior, N has been wetting the bed, and sleeping through it, but on the first night she woke up as it was happening, so that was a big step straight away. Its now been 7 weeks since we started and we have now had 3 complete weeks of dry nights, and in the last week a couple of nights where she’s managed to hold it in all night. All in all we’ve got to the point I was hoping to get to much quicker than I expected, and we even had a holiday away this last week without my having to worry about packing extra bed mats, night clothes etc, so thanks!”

Mrs R writes about her daughter “She is sooooo delighted! Can’t tell you how pleased she is. We are. Won’t let this drop now!”

“Brilliant Fiona! Deeply, deeply relaxing and very effective. I just loved it. Many many thanks” (Meditation)

Now you know why I call Lilac Pearl; the Angel, the Fairy Godmother, the Genie … Lilac Pearl, the one who changed my life! I cannot express the depth of thanks that I owe Fiona for liberating me from my fears, my anxieties and most of all my pain

Thank you for the help sorting pain......my back is now liveable.